Friends of the Poor© Walk

Marianne Longo


Southeast District Council Walk

Geneva, IL


Holy Angels - Aurora

Being a Home Visitor for over 10 years at Holy Angels, I see so much need but SVDP helps every time! It so wonderful to help our Aurora neighbors. Thanks for your support.


The Friends of the Poor® Walk is a national event coordinated by the Development Team at the National Council of the United States Society of St. Vincent de Paul.


For questions about the National FOP® Walk Program, please contact the FOP Walk Team at


Current Total


Online - $125 | Offline - $0

Goal - $500


Top Donations

  1. Janice Doyle - $50
  2. Marianne Longo - $50
  3. Marianne Longo - $25

All Donations


Marianne Longo

ID#: 65921



Janice Doyle

You’ve given your time and talents for years and now this, way to keep giving!

ID#: 65999



Marianne Longo

Gods speed Marianne.

ID#: 66031
