Friends of the Poor© Walk

Mark & Dee Meinhart


Diocese of Columbus FOP Walk

Columbus, OH


St. Paul - Westerville

This year Dee and I will again do the Friends of the Poor Walk. Because of the pandemic, we will host our own walk within our St. Vincent DePaul conference.

We will start with Mass on Saturday morning and meet right afterwards to walk Uptown Wessterville for at least a mile, probably more.

We have supported this worth cause for the past 10 years and appreciate your support either financially or through your prayers. We will remember all of you and your intentions at our Mass that morning.

This year also, will be the first year in about decade we will not be walking with our fellow SVDP member Mike Habing. Dee and I have walked with Mike every year since I can remember. We will walk in his honor this year.

You can make a Pledge online at WESHARE below also:


The Friends of the Poor® Walk is a national event coordinated by the Development Team at the National Council of the United States Society of St. Vincent de Paul.


For questions about the National FOP® Walk Program, please contact the FOP Walk Team at


Current Total


Online - $125 | Offline - $0

Goal - $400


Top Donations

  1. Mark and Dee Meinhart - $100
  2. Delaney, Owen and Cora - $25

All Donations


Mark and Dee Meinhart

ID#: 66211



Delaney, Owen and Cora

Bless you and all you do for others ❤️

ID#: 67931
