Friends of the Poor© Walk

Rachel Cantu


St. Albert the Great-Friends of the Poor Walk

Austin, TX


St. Albert The Great - Austin

I wanted to share how I became the coordinator for our walk. Last year Josefina from our St. Al’s conference asked me to help speak with some of our Spanish ministries to explain what St. Vincent de Paul does. I went through a description of what we do and explained under Special Projects once a year in September, conferences in the US work together to participate in a Friends of the Poor walk to raise funds for individual conferences. Each conference should select a coordinator to represent their church and participate in activities of FOP. I would ask the group I was talking to “Would you like to coordinate the FOP walk this year”? The question stayed in my mind and I brought this up in our next conference meeting that we needed to participate and involve our parish.. Danny, who was our last coordinator had left our ministry a few years back and no one had taken that over so if I wanted the job it was mine. Funny sometimes all it takes is to ask! We have some of the best people in our conference led by Maryanne and are some of the most caring and loving individuals. We have been blessed to have Father Charlie Garza and his staff who love SVdP and support us any way they can!


The Friends of the Poor® Walk is a national event coordinated by the Development Team at the National Council of the United States Society of St. Vincent de Paul.


For questions about the National FOP® Walk Program, please contact the FOP Walk Team at


Local Sponsors

Current Total


Online - $520 | Offline - $275

Goal - $500


Top Donations

  1. Mardy & Steve Walden - $100
  2. Darrell & Virginia Edge - $100
  3. Rick & Robin Carlin - $100
  4. Israel - $45
  5. Carmen Adams - $25

All Donations


Darrell & Virginia Edge

ID#: 62663




ID#: 62718



Carmen Adams

Thanks to all for walking for the poor!

ID#: 62973




ID#: 63694



George Tafoya

ID#: 64643



Mardy & Steve Walden

May God bless the good people of SVDP Society

ID#: 64692



MJ.Mcpherson Hvatum

ID#: 64832



Rick & Robin Carlin

ID#: 64904



Donna Slathar

ID#: 64908



Dahlia Z Lopez

ID#: 64921



Rachel Cantu

ID#: 64969



Shannon B Goza

ID#: 65011
