Friends of the Poor© Walk

Sheri Zapata


Diocesan Council of Austin Friends of the Poor Walk

Austin, TX


St. Thomas More - Austin

As a stroke survivor. I know how important to help other!


The Friends of the Poor® Walk is a national event coordinated by the Development Team at the National Council of the United States Society of St. Vincent de Paul.


For questions about the National FOP® Walk Program, please contact the FOP Walk Team at


Current Total


Online - $665 | Offline - $0

Goal - $100


Top Donations

  1. Enedelia Obregón - $300
  2. Morning Glories for Christ - $100
  3. Judith A Rupprecht - $50
  4. Donna & Dave Kleikamp - $50
  5. Robin Kar - $50

All Donations



ID#: 65530



Shirley Brinkman

Good for you to join the walk. Blessings as you participate. Appreciate all you do for STM.

ID#: 65534



Morning Glories for Christ

One small step for courageous Sheri - a giant leap for love and mercy in the world.

ID#: 65959



Donna & Dave Kleikamp

Good luck Sheri! Hopefully it will be a little cooler for all the walkers in a few weeks. Thank you for all you do at STM!

ID#: 65964



Judith A Rupprecht

ID#: 65976



Morning Glories for Christ

Sheri, you exemplify all that the SVDP society holds dear as you are courageous and humble. Thank you for walking for such a phenomenal organization which does so much for the poor and marginalized. Love you.

ID#: 65978



Beth K. Thorson

ID#: 66213



Robin Kar

Sheri, God Bless You for all the challenges you overcome to do so much for others. Your friend, Robin

ID#: 66532



Enedelia Obregón

Thank you for helping care for our brothers and sisters in need.

ID#: 69315
