Friends of the Poor© Walk

Brenda Lennie


St. John Paul II Friends of the Poor Walk

Ponte Vedra, FL


St. John Paul II - Ponte Vedra


The Friends of the Poor® Walk is a national event coordinated by the Development Team at the National Council of the United States Society of St. Vincent de Paul.


For questions about the National FOP® Walk Program, please contact the FOP Walk Team at


Local Sponsors

Current Total


Online - $75 | Offline - $0

Goal - $500


Top Donations

  1. John Lobo/St. Augustine Conference - $50
  2. The Fernandez - $25

All Donations


John Lobo/St. Augustine Conference

Thank you for all the love and energy you have put into this walk. I am sorry I will bot be with you in person but I will be with you in spirit.

ID#: 68013



The Fernandez

ID#: 68042
