Friends of the Poor© Walk

Kathy MacLeod


SVDP Rhode Island FOP Walk 2023

Cranston, RI


SVDP Rhode Island

Hello Friends, It’s the end of the summer and what a beautiful time of year it is. I will be joining my team members of our Saint Vincent de Paul Conference and walking to help raise funds for our Neighbors in Need. Could you help me in raising funds that will help Neighbors who call our parish looking for assistance in some need they can’t for fill during their crisis? Any small amount is perfect. Thank you so much, Kathy MacLeod President of the SVDP Conference of Saint Mark’s Church in Cranston, RI


The Friends of the Poor® Walk is a national event coordinated by the Development Team at the National Council of the United States Society of St. Vincent de Paul.


For questions about the National FOP® Walk Program, please contact the FOP Walk Team at


Current Total


Online - $0 | Offline - $0

Goal - $200


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